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This is the last year that Kennedy will be the Kennedy High School that I have grown to love.
We have one of the most, no, scratch that, THE most amazing principal ever. I honestly don’t know what we would do without her. But unfortunately, I am going to have to learn. A few months ago, Dr. W. told the staff that she would be resigning after this year. It came as a shock to all of us, students and administration alike. For a lot of the teachers, Dr. W. hired them and they have work under her for a long time. For me, she has been my principal for the last three years.
Okay so you’re probably wondering why this is such a big deal. She’s only a principal, right?
Dr. W. is more than just a principal. She is the most amazing woman I have ever met. Kennedy is like her family. She treats us with respect and tries as hard as she can to fix our problems. She comes to as many activities as she cannot because she feels it is her obligation as principal, but because I honestly believe she WANTS to. She drove all the way to Valley High School in Des Moines, a two hour drive on a Saturday to watch our marching band perform. If that doesn’t show dedication to my school, I don’t know what does.
Also, she tries to get to know you on a personal level, but not in a creepy way. She makes it her job to know each and every student’s name that goes to Kennedy…and we have over 1800 students. I don’t even know all the names of the kids in my grade, let alone the whole school!
One of the best qualities of Dr. W. is that it doesn’t matter who you are: if you’re a good student or a bad one, get into a lot of trouble, or don’t, she will take the time and talk to you and talk you through anything you could be going through. I mean, I haven’t talked to all 1800+ kids, but I haven’t heard someone criticize Dr. W. once. I’m pretty sure we all love her and will all agree that next year, without her, is going to be extremely different.
The hardest part for me, though, is the fact that my senior year, my LAST year at Kennedy will be without Dr. W. It’s just kind of hard for me to wrap my mind around. Next year when I walk across the stage at graduation, I won’t be shaking her hand; I will be shaking the hand of someone I have known only a year. And I’m not saying he or she won’t be good. They could be the next best thing after The Dubs. All I am saying is that one year won’t be enough for the person graduating me to get to know me like Dr. W. knows me. I’m finding it hard to see myself as a graduate of John F. Kennedy High School without shaking her hand.
So here is my plan:
She comes to every graduation party she is invited to. Her husband works at a local high school. Next year I will just drive over there, give him my invite to give to her. When she comes, I will have my mom take a picture of me shaking Dr. W’s hand. Only then will I be able to completely graduate high school.
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