Sunday, December 16, 2012

Outrageous Christmas Lights

384 words

In an earlier blog I talked about Christmas traditions that my family has. A fun thing that we sometimes do is to drive around and look at Christmas lights. When I was younger, we would drive through neighborhoods and look at lights on houses or through parks that had special light displays. It didn't take much to catch the attention of me and my sister. Anything shiny, sparkly, blinking, or lit up in general would put us in the Christmas spirit.

For a few years, we didn't exactly hunt for lights, but just noticed the ones that we passed day to day. We started to spot some of the decorating trends that are going around in Christmas decor. Like Santa in an inflatable helicopter. What’s with that? And blue lights. I’m not talking about light blue icicle type blue lights. No, I mean the hurt your eyes alien glow blue lights that some people cover their house with.

Last year we decided to go on a hunt for the tackiest, most awkward, and strange ways people decorate for the holiday season. And I have to say, we were quite successful. One house had a lit up reindeer hanging suspiciously from a tree branch (not exactly sure what the family wanted to tell us). Another house must not enjoy the snow because they always set up a lit up palm tree next to their house. Trying to get some extra tanning in? Some are so interesting that we have to stop in front of it for a few minutes just taking in the scene. And I’m not completely sure of the conversation my family had but I know it had something to do with the home owner coming out of his house with a gun to tell us to shoo! (It was kind of a sketchy looking house, despite the Christmas lights). Sometimes people who feel obligated to decorate but don’t want to put a lot of time into it try to get away with only using one string of lights by stretching it from a tree to the house.

I guess what we have discovered is that everyone has a different way of showing their holiday spirit. And to those who go all out, thank you for having interesting and memorable houses during Christmas!   


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