Monday, January 28, 2013

Take AP!

393 words
It’s that time of year again to start registering for classes. This is my last year doing this and it’s somewhat of a bitter sweet situation. Everyone is excited to get out of high school yet no one wants to admit how close they are to leaving home. As a junior, I have to decide what classes would be best for what I want to study in college (for me, its special education).

At my school, we really push students to take as many AP classes as you can. When I graduate I will have taken six or seven of them. Only two of them will probably help me in the future. (AP Psych and AP Econ, which I will take next year).

Taking AP classes are really helpful to getting ready for college. They help you learn study habits that will help you and help you learn time management. For me this is the hardest. Most times I don’t want to sit down and read ten pages of my AP US History book but if I space it out right I can get through it.

AP classes also help you to possibly get out of those classes in college. If you get a three or higher on the AP Exam, the college that you want to go to may say that you don’t need to take it. (Honestly, this is the incentive that I use to get me through my classes. I really don’t want to take these classes in college where I will probably want to take classes that help me to my major and or minor).

Another thing I like about AP classes is that most of the people in those classes are hard workers and WANT to be there unlike other classes that are required and half the class is just half-heartedly going through the motions to scrape by with a passing grade. No, students in AP classes are usually the good students who work hard and genuinely want to succeed in school and in the future.

So if you are wondering about if you should take an AP class or not next year in high school, I would definitely recommend it to everyone! It is such good college prep that once you get to college you will be glad that you pushed yourself now. (Or so I hear….)


1 comment:

  1. This is a note to Mizzay:
    This is a post for week 7 (1/21-1/27). i had thought that i pushed post but instead i pushed close. when i went through and did my blog inventory i saw that it didn't publish. that's why it was posted so late.
