Sunday, January 27, 2013

Boys Have Feelings Too!

474 words

All of this talk about women in the media has me thinking. It’s obvious that women are portrayed in a negative way in movies and advertisements and so forth but what about the guys? I can honestly tell you that from walking down the halls at my school, not every guy in the world is a male model or looks great in a Speedo. I mean let’s be honest, not every guy has a body like Tom Daley.

In my opinion, I think that guys are portrayed just as negatively as girls in the media but we are just not focusing on it as much. And not just in the media. I mean if you think about it, Victoria’s Secret’s goal is to sell to women, right? They even have a fashion show! But I bet that if I asked a group of people from my school, more guys watched it than girls.

If you look at an Abercrombie & Fitch advertisement, you see guys with their shirts off and their pants hung so low you honestly can’t even see them. What’s that selling exactly? Is it selling anything? Or is it just subliminally telling boys that’s how you’re supposed to look? If I was a guy and I didn’t have all of those muscles that they have, I would feel very self-conscious about the way that I look. It isn’t just a girl thing.

 People who create the media stereotype guys thinking that they enjoy watching that stuff. Well, I’m sure they do I mean, they’re guys and why wouldn’t they? But sometimes I think the media goes way overboard. I even had a classmate say that to him, some of the ways that women were portrayed was a complete turnoff.

Also, the media gives boys the impression that they have to have an awesome six pack and be scary buff and all that jazz so now they focus on working out. I mean, to me, and this is my total opinion, really muscular guys are gross. If your shirt sleeves are on the brink of tearing I find it totally disgusting. Don’t get me wrong! Guys with muscles are extremely attractive (just look at Chris Evans! Dang!) But too much is just….ick. And I think that guys think they have to be really muscular. One of my classmates actually said that he sometimes is self-conscious as well because of the ways that guys are portrayed in the media. For every sexy woman in the media there’s a sexy man. That’s just how the media works I guess.

Boys are stereotyped just as negatively as girls but we don’t always see it. Maybe it’s because girls somehow have more of an image to uphold than guys but either way we are both seen in negative ways in movies, on TV and in advertisements.

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