Saturday, January 12, 2013

School Traditions

329 words

It’s that time of year again when you start seeing the traditions of show choir and men’s swimming. If you’re walking down the hall and you see someone with his hair bleached to a blinding white, nine times out of ten he will be a swimmer. We don’t really have anyone with that as their natural color so it’s pretty obvious. A lot of girls teams will color a strip of their hair but it isn’t as obvious as the Barbie blond (sorry guys I couldn’t think of any other way to describe the color!) you see now. This happens every year. We expect it. If suddenly one year the boys didn’t bleach their hair we would all be taken by surprise and wonder what was going on. People accept it as ‘tradition’, as what just happens at Kennedy.

It’s also the season for Happiness Jackets. Happiness Inc. is our varsity show choir. They have competed all over the state and last year won Nationals in Nashville. They were voted America’s Favorite Show Choir a couple years ago and every day live up to that title. Every member of Happiness receives a Happiness Jacket. It isn’t hard to miss the sea of bright yellow walking down the hallways, arms swishing by their sides. At my school owning a Happiness Jacket is the thing to have, your crowning glory of sorts. As a freshman in Chanteurs, it is your goal to own one for your own, it’s a really big deal.

These traditions are what make Kennedy so unique. Call me sentimental but I am proud to say that I am part of a school that holds onto those traditions that make us who we are as a school.

The power of tradition is a funny thing. It brings people together who normally might not come together as one; it gives people a sense of pride for their school or organization. It tells people who you are, who we are.


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