Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why so Serious?

348 words

I love Marching Band. It makes me a very happy person. 90% of my friends are in band with me and they can always put me in a good mood no matter how I'm feeling. I just wanted to get that out there in the open before I say what I am going to say.

Of all the things I love about being in marching band, there is one thing I really hate.

You can't smile. :(

People will always call things out to us or call our names as we march by but you can not smile. I fail way to much at that. Even if people aren't talking to me but I hear them I crack a smile. I'm just not a serious person in that sense.

I have two ways I go for trying (key word: trying) to not smile.

1. I bite the inside of both cheeks. Not so much that you make that obnoxious fish face *glub glub* but just enough to stop you from smiling.

2. think of dead puppies. I know that's kind of graphic and sad but sadly, it works. And if it's too hard for you to think of dead puppies, just think of something sad. Nine times out of ten you aren't smiling when something sad is going on so naturally it works!

This post serves a double purpose. Along with giving tips how to not smile, I am also telling non-band members to STOP TRYING TO MAKE US SMILE! You don't know how physically challenging it is to not smile! I am a smiley person. I am always smiling and laughing. It takes everything I have not. to. smile. so please. Put yourself in our shoes and imagine how difficult it would be for you to not smile and laugh while people are saying funny things to you.

I don't want you to stop cheering though. No nothing like that! BRING ON THE CHEERS! We welcome claps, applause, and cheering but seriously. Don't make us laugh. Find us after and crack that joke. We can laugh then.


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree please stop making me smile! It drives me crazy! :) Love you Audrey!
