Sunday, October 14, 2012

That Scary Moment When You Realize...You're Next!

504 words

So I'm a junior and I have a lot of friends who are seniors and will be graduating in May. We just had our Senior Night football game and it really dawned on me that...I'm next. Next year I'll be the senior walking down the track with my parents and sister With all of my friends talking about college, it got me thinking, should I start looking? Where do I want to go? What do I want to do with my life? I know a lot of people end up changing their majors half way through but for someone like me who has to know exactly what's going on, the only way I'll be able to figure out where I want to go is to know what I want to do and if the schools I'm looking at has those majors. This means spending a lot of time on Google and searching school after university after college. It's kind of like a giant scavenger hunt. It's very time consuming.

Luckily, my school has college visits that I'm going to start going to. A different school comes in a day and talks to you about what they have to offer you and then they give you a bunch of booklets and papers and all the other propaganda they have to convince you to go there. If your school does this too, I would really recommend that you go to these. They are really helpful because you have the real deal in front of you talking instead of reading information online. You can ask all sorts of questions that you have and get them answered immediately.

Also, I would recommend getting on some mailing lists. I just signed up to get band things mailed to me from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln because I really want to be in their marching band. I'm sure you've already gotten a bucket load of things from various colleges, I know I have! All of last year, the only mail I ever got was college after college saying things like, "You are just the kind of student we're looking for!" Yeah, I'm sure you say that to the other thousand high schoolers you sent that to.

Another good thing to do is go to actual college visits. Go see the campus, walk around and see if it's a setting that you like. I've done a few with my youth group and I actually enjoy walking around the campus, imagining that I'm a student at the school. I'm going to start doing these this winter and honestly, I'm really excited.

So here's the thing: as much as you wish you could stay in high school forever (yeah right!) pretty soon, you'll blink and you will be unpacking in your dorm room. You might as well start early and get an idea of what you want to do and where you want to go. Because if you have this all figured out early, you can sit back and relax your senior year and not worry about college. Except for the part where you're a few months away from it.


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