505 words
We've all had to do it at some point in our lives. It’s a pain, I know, but I guess it teaches us life lessons or something like that.
At my school when my teachers assign class projects and we have to work with other students, nine times out of ten, you won’t be able to choose your own partner. This then forces you to have to work with the people you really do not want to work with. Those who always have to be right and their idea is going to be the one that the group is going with and no matter how much you try, they won’t even consider your idea. We all know the type, no?
I have an extensive amount of experience in this area through my schooling career so I decided that today I was going to write about how I came, I saw, and I conquered the unworkable.
The day that the project begins, I usually try my best
to have a good day up until that class because most likely it’s going to be
very exhausting for you. And yes I know sometimes the odds are not in your
favor in the Hunger Games of high school and having a good day is kind of out
of your control but at least make an effort.
Breathe!!!!!!!!! Don’t get all worked up if they are being
annoying. IT’s not worth getting worked up about just yet. Try to keep your
cool because getting worked up won’t help the tense situation any.
If you have a proposal to make to the group, stay calm
when you are making it. And even if you don’t know what you’re talking about
but you just want your voice to be heard, make it sound like you know what’s
going on. That way they will maybe, hopefully, possibly listen to what you have
to say. If not, know that it isn’t anything you did. They just like to be
If, by some miracle, they like your brilliant idea more
than their I’m always right so my idea is the one we’re going with idea,
understand that you just won the biggest fight that has ever occurred in
classrooms across America. (Except if your class is debate where the object is
to argue with each other. Then you might have a tough time).
Go about the rest of your day knowing that you are an
amazingly smart girl or guy and no matter what anyone else says or does, no
matter how stubborn your group may be, you are the smartest and best you that
there could be!
So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! You have just read my awesome five tips on how to work with the unworkable. Take these to heart for the next time that you are forced against your will to work with the people who just refuse to let anyone else’s idea be an option and you’ll be good to go!