455 words
To most people, the life of a band member isn't all that fun. It's all music and seriousness, right?
See that's where you're wrong. I honestly believe that if people actually knew what went on in the band hall, they would want to join. The people are some of the craziest people I have ever met and I wouldn't change them for all the money in the world.
I honestly debated posting this because I feel as if I am revealing the secrets of the band hall but I really want you guys to see some of the things that may seem extremely odd to you, but to me is basic, everyday life.
This, my friends, is modern art. It takes skill to get all of three chairs, a trombone case, and the oh so famous plunger to stay like that for a couple of hours. For this, I applaud you. It started with one chair, then quickly progressed to the above.

Shoes tied to a locker. Strange? Nope. Normal. Actually, if I don't see a pair of shoes tied to something, there must be something wrong.

Here's the plunger. No, I don't think it's a real plunger. I'm pretty sure that it's just a trumpet mute on a broom handle. But correct me if I'm wrong. We just call it the plunger. Fights over the plunger is a daily thing. Seriously. Almost every single day I walk in and someone is fighting over it. I bet the plunger feels special.

The occasional quarter glued to the ceiling or floor. This happens to be on the ceiling. They used gorilla glue and duct tape. Once the glue dried, ta da! There's a quarter on the ceiling!

The oh-so-sexy band tan. Your legs get one heck of a nice tan! But unfortunately, you can't march in flip flops so, basically, this happens. Your feet are as white as a piece of paper with a nice solid line from your shoes. Fantastic.

And finally, the coolest people, with the most swag you'll ever meet. These right here are my flute babies. Swag, swag, swag on you! Yeah, we're pretty cute. Okay back to my topic. I have never met a group of people who were so welcoming and accepting of everyone before. All 115 some people in band are part of my family. We've laughed, cried, celebrated all together. I couldn't ask for better people!
So there ya are! The many secrets of what goes on in the most walked by yet unknown hallway of the school. If you think these are extremely strange, that's fine It just means more fun for me!
P.S. All of these pictures were taken by me. So these things really DO happen!
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