457 words
...And I had an amazing night.
I'm a junior so I've been to two homecoming dances and its been the same two years in a row so why would this year be different? People ask, get asked, then break it off a day before or ditch them at the dance. All the dinner planning, picture planning, planning planning planning! This isn't prom, people!
My mom told me that when she was in high school homecoming was after the football game and people just went in their jeans and sweatshirts and had a good time. what happened to that? Homecoming has turned into its own mini prom and frankly, its getting ridiculous!
When I was a freshman I went with a group of friends, last year I went with a date in a small group. This year, I would have only gone if I got asked by someone I was really interested in going with...(I didn't get asked at all so I didn't have to worry about that part). As next year is my senior year, I'll definitely go then but this year, I just wanted a break from the drama. The drama of who's going with who and who's wearing what and oh my god so and so is wearing the same dress as me. Seriously! Who really cares? I could care less if I showed up to the dance and saw someone wearing the same dress as me.
That's why this year, I invited a few friends over to hang out. We went out to eat, played some Just Dance, and had a much less stressful night than if I had gone to Homecoming. I honestly think I had more fun just chilling with four friends in my backyard than in a hot, crowded cafeteria with the whole school.
Everyone I've talked to always says that what comes before homecoming is more fun than the dance: dinner, pictures, and having a reason to get dressed up. My sister is a freshman this year and she went to the dance. Her and her friends were telling me how forty people got kicked out of the dance for grinding in the first hour and by the end there was barely anyone left.
Come on people. What's fun about that? And if you re the kind of person that's into the grinding stuff, why would you do that if you knew the faculty was cracking down it? I'm not into that stuff so I find it a bit obnoxious.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say in this three hundred some word rant is that Homecoming can be fun if you make it stress free. IF not, take a breather for a year and see just how much fun you can have!