Friday, September 14, 2012

Twas the Night Before Marching Band...

355 words

Okay so tomorrow I have my first marching band competition and I am super excited for it! We are going to be performing our opener, ballad, and closer and drill fro the opener, ballad, and parts of the closer. (For those that don't know, drill is your specific spot on the field. We have about 70 sets of drill in our whole show). But you can't just wake up in the morning and go perform. Here is a list of things I recommend taking on your trip.

1. A pillow. Charter buses can get uncomfortable so we just make do with what we have. A pillow can really help out with that.

2. A blanket or sweat pants. The ride home can get pretty chilly so bringing something warm is definitely a good idea.

3. Activities for the road. I highly recommend coloring books and crayons. You can never go wrong with coloring and it really helps to pass the time.

4. Ipod or music player. The buses can get pretty loud so if you ever need a moment to yourself, turn on your music and zone out for a little bit.

5. $ome ca$h. Most likely you will stop at a fast-food restaurant for dinner and have lunch at a concession stand. You don't want to go hungry so money is always good.

6. Shorts and/or leggings (if you're a girl). For me, when I'm competing in cold weather, just wearing shorts under my uniform isn't enough. Sometimes i will wear leggings under my shorts for a little extra warmth.

7. BLAAAACCCKKKK SOOOOCCCKKSSSS! (or the color that you need. Some may need white depending on your uniform color). If you don't have your socks, you might as well not even come. More than anything you need. your. socks. Or if you really have something against wearing your socks of the appropriate color, you can wear socks that haven't been washed in three years. Your choice.

And finally...

8. Get some sleep the night before. The last thing you want is to be half asleep during your performance. You need to be alert and focused.

