Hi guys! Did you know that I died and I came back from the dead? Yep! Just in time for my senior year of high school. Yippee doo dah day! Guess what? NO WORD COUNT! I CAN WRITE WHATEVER I WANT TO! YAY!
I only have 72 more days of school until I get out of here and I can't wait! I'm done with APES and learning about dirt in all its glory and I'm done with perspectives and having to read stupid books I don't care about. and I'm done with this cold. It is so cold. This morning was -15, feels like -20 AND WE STILL HAD ALLLLL OF SCHOOL. F that.
Right now I should be doing an APES packet but we have a sub and frankly, I don't care much about this class so I just BS my way through and I still do well on tests. Yep. I'm that girl. Hate me cuz you aint me.
Okay. that's it for this post. I think I'm going to keep doing this! its fun when you don't have a word count!